Mari Lõhmus
North Estonia Medical Center, Tallinn
Estonian palliative care concept
Estonian national cancer strategy 2007-2015 has recently expired and developing a new strategy has only been called for lately. The Ministry of Health has requested for a separate Palliative Care Strategy, a first of this kind in Estonia. In the previous cancer strategy, only some remarks were made about palliative care. In light of several ongoing re-arrangements in primary health care system integrating palliative care, analyzing palliative care need and personnel need is of good timing.
Writing an Estonian palliative care concept.
Methods / Process
The project started with forming a working group, uniting palliative care enthusiasts around the country. The working group has identified the following important topics to be discussed in the concept: generalist and specialist palliative care network – integrating palliative care into Estonian health care system; referral criteria to palliative care, education in palliative care, health-care costs related to palliative care.
After identifying these primary topics, a draft is currently written to discuss all these topics in detail. Further plans include meetings in the Ministry of Social Affairs, institutions providing medical education, health care cost analyses together with specialists in this field.
Intended Outputs / Impact
Developing palliative care concept for Estonia could help enhance palliative care provided nationwide, lead towards better education and structured well-working palliative care Network.