Marius Ciurlionis (Vilnius, Lithuania) talks about the role of leadership during the pandemic from the perspective of the Ministry of Health
EUPCA alumnus Dr Farzana Khan on Palliative Care Services in Humanitarian Camps
Dr Farzana Khan (Dhaka, Bangladesh) talks about health partnership and advocacy, which are two priori points to develop a sustainable palliative care service in humanitarian camps
EUPCA alumnus Dr Zuzana Křemenová on leadership in the pandemic
Dr Zuzana Křemenová (Prague, Czech Republic) presents her leadership story during the pandemic in the Czech Republic
EUPCA alumnus Dr Georg Bollig on his Last Aid Courses during the pandemic
Dr Georg Bollig (Denmark) on the influences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of Last Aid International and Last Aid Courses for the public.
Presentation “Leadership and Leadership Education in Palliative Care” at the 14. Annual SECPAL Conference
On Tuesday, October 26th 2021, Dr. Gerrit Frerich, EUPCA Coordinator from the University Hospital Cologne, held a presentation at the 14th annual conference of the Spanish Society for Palliative Care (SECPAL). This conference gathers palliative care (henceforth: PC) experts from Spain and beyond to present on recent developments in the field, showcase their ideas, and help drive forward PC supply.
As coordinator of a PC leadership curriculum, Dr. Frerich talked about Leadership and Leadership Education in Palliative Care. Coming from a distinguished German hospital, he first talked about the status quo in Germany with a special focus on the national Hospice and PC act which is unique to Germany. Introduced in 2015, it has produced a variety of favourable outcomes for national palliative and hospice care. He then contrasted the concepts of leadership vs. management, and presented different leadership styles and frameworks that can be found in a PC environment, such as shared leadership or charismatic leadership, and their respective benefits and limitations. Furthermore, he presented the first brand new outcomes from the EAPC Leadership Task Force which is responsible for compiling a list of international PC leadership programmes, a list of international PC leadership experts, and for establishing a consensus on recommendations on core competencies in PC leadership. Among other results, they found out that teamwork ist he most important skillset for a leader, and that PC leaders need to embrace the holistic PC approach. Further results will help to make recommendations on contents and didactics of PC leadership education.
Finally, he put the spotlight of some of the aforementioned PC leadership curricula: a joint PC MSc Programme from three universities in Austria, a PC Nurse Fellowship programme at Makere University in Uganda, a Strategic Leadership Programme by Hospice UK and the Westscott Group, a Fellowship in PC programme at St. Christopher’s Hospice in the UK, and finally the International MSc Leadership in Palliative Care. This programme is hosted by 5 different renowned institutions across Europe and facilitated in cooperation with EUPCA, and has trained more than 80 participants in PC leaderhsip since ist establishment in 2013.
3rd Leadership Award winner at the EAPC Congress
At the EAPC Congress on October 7th, the EUPCA Leadership Award in cooperation with EAPC was jointly awarded by Dr. Gerrit Frerich, EUPCA coordinator, and Prof. Dr. Christoph Ostgathe, President of EAPC. The recipient of this year’s award was St. Christopher’s Hospice, represented by Dr. Libby Sallnow, in partnership with the Institute of Palliative Medicine in Kerala, India, for their “Fellowship in Palliative Care” programme. For this programme, in collaboration with the Institute of Palliative Medicine in Pondicherry, India and the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University in Dhaka, Bangladesh, St. Christopher’s Hospice draws together a group of palliative care leaders from low- and middle-income countries who together to generate in-depth knowledge of core issues in organising palliative care at the grassroot level. The programme is taught using a wide range of contemporary teaching methods. Congratulations to St. Christopher’s Hospice for this excellent programme!
Link to the EAPC blog:
Winner of the Third Leadership Award 2021: Fellowship in Palliative Care
If you would like to know more about the programme, you can click on the links below
Announcement: Leadership Day
We are pleased to invite you to this year’s Online EAPC Leadership Day in cooperation of EUPCA and LDI on Tuesday 05.10.2021 from 3pm to 6pm CET. The registration is free. Attached you will find the program including speakers from EUPCA and LDI.
For more information:
EUPCA alumnus receives the Order of Merit of the State of Schleswig Holstein
We sincerely congratulate our EUPCA alumnus Georg Bollig on receiving the Order of Merit of the State of Schleswig Holstein. He supports the efforts of the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament to improve the palliativecare and outpatient and inpatient hospice care in the state. He is the initiator of the “Letzte Hilfe Kurse” (last aid courses) and has been advocating for years to take away people’s fear of coming into contact with death. He has successfully managed to arouse interest in his work beyond the borders of Schleswig-Holstein and Germany, he has also succeeded in arousing interest in his work beyond the borders of Schleswig-Holstein and Germany. “Letzte Hilfe Kurse” are not only offered nationwide, but are also attracting great interest in European countries. To date, more than 28,000 have taken part in “Letzte Hilfe Kurse” and more than 2,000 have been trained as course trained as course leaders.

Minister President Daniel Günther awards Order of Merit
Juan Pablo About Leadership in Palliative Care
“Keeping in mind the whole picture […], we are also advocating for Palliative Care as a human right.”
This week, our former course participant Juan Pablo shares his stance on leadership in Palliative Care.
European Palliative Care Academy 2019-21: 2nd Course Week in London
In the week of February 3, our participants arrived in the exciting metropolis to further deepen their leadership skills and competencies. Under the coordination of Prof Dr Jonathan Koffman, an interesting, instructive and entertaining course week was organized by our cooperation partners in London. The course week was held at the Weston Education Centre of the renowned King’s College.
The main focus of the past course week was research, which is an essential component for planning, implementing and evaluating innovative projects in palliative care. In addition to fundamental questions, such as what ethical issues can arise in the field of research or how to critically read scientific literature, specific topics, e.g. how to measure outcomes or how to write an abstract, were also discussed. The corresponding expertise was imparted both theoretically in the form of lectures and practically in workshops.
The highlight of the course week for the participants was certainly the visit to the St. Christopher Hospice, which was founded in 1967 by the Grand Dame of palliative care, Ms Cicely Saunders.
A former fellow student of Dame Saunders and co-founder of the palliative care movement is Dr Mary Baines – a true leadership expert from the very beginning! The students got to know this outstanding personality in a personal lecture, were able to ask questions and gain an authentic insight into the development of palliative care.
The St. Christopher Hospice also offered the participants further in-depth insights into the concepts that make hospice famous as a driver of innovation, like their quality management or their new Learning Hub.
It was a very successful week and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants, lecturers and the organisation team in London!