Kaunas city clinic, Kaunas
Expand palliative care at home
At the moment in Lithuania we have increasing numbers of elderly, as well as more cases of oncological diseases, so palliative care at home is more needed every day. Patients and their families constantly are having issues with insufficient medical and social help; lack of information. My project aims is providing palliative care at home for citizens of Kaunas. Also, establishing good communication between different organizations (hospitals, hospice‘s, day care centres, home care providers), having in mind of realization of palliative care at home. In that way all round patient care could be achieved.
Methods: 1. Make booklet, presentation. 2. Meetings with Primecare doctors. 3. Increase number of comands. 4. Consult patiens and doctors about home care services.
More citizens of Kaunas can take palliative care. Palliative pacients can take better medical and social help. Families members have easier home care. Palliative pacients spend less days in hospital. Palliative patiens can pass away in piece at home.