Ieva Ziuraite

Marjana Bernot


Children‘s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikosm









Creating a Model of Pediatric Palliative Day Care Center



Usually having a child in need for PC means that one of parents has to stay with a child 24/7, since there are no facilities which would be able to provide help in everyday care for such child. Often parents can‘t afford even a short respite time. Situation like this creates a great burden for a family‘s social, emotional and economic well-being.



To create podiatric palliative care inpatient day centre’s model, based on other countries’ practices.


Methods / process

Literature review, interviews with patients‘ parents, creation of a PPC care inpatient day centre’s model according to gathered information.


Intended outputs / impact

If model would be accepted by hospital‘s board, the new facility would be created which would give an opportunity to provide a respite time for a care givers, during which they could rest/work/attend school/spent more quality time with other family members or friends etc. Also, we would be able to create more opportunities for family education in PC and to provide safe environment for a child. Furthermore, the organizational processes of minor procedures would become easier (it would be more convenient for our hospital since all the minor procedures (some rehabilitation procedures, tracheostomy tube changes etc.) could be performed without hospitalization).